How to Play
Shuffle the one-sided Hand cards and the double-sided Special cards, making sure the darker side is face up.
Place the Hand Deck on the table face down. Reveal four cards face up beside the deck.
Place the Special Deck next to the hand deck and place four cards next to it, so that a total of five are showing.
Each player draws five Hand cards.

The goal of Fleabite is to have the most Crowns in your Hand or laid down in front of you when the game ends. The game will end after three rounds of play.
On Your Turn
Draw a Hand card, either from the top of the Hand Deck, or from the Field. You can also return a Special card from your Field to your Fortress.
Play any number of cards in your hand or in your Fortress. A Hand card is played to your front row, or Field. Special cards you acquire are kept in your back row, or Fortress, and are played to the Field when used.
Discard down to 5 Hand cards. Your Hand size can be increased by Special Cards you acquire or Hand cards played to the Field.